April 25, 2024 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Suicide Care in Texas teaches participants about basic suicide prevention, intervention and postvention efforts that everyone can do to decrease suicides. Participants will leave the training with additional tools they can use when working with individuals with thoughts of suicide and knowledge about additional available resources and programs available in the state.
Continuing Education Hours: 1.5* Satisfactory completion of continuing education hours (CEHs) requires attending at least 85% of the training duration, participating in activities (e.g., polls, breakout rooms), and completing the training evaluation.
Requirements This training is virtual, occurring live over Teams. All participants are required to join on camera and expected to fully engage in the training to be eligible to receive a Continuing Education (CE) certificate upon completion.
Questions Please direct any questions about this training to TPT via email tpt@carecg.com or by calling 1-888-878-0865.